Safe Grabs Shark Tank Season 8 | Cindi Lee’s Story

Cyndi Lee’s Safe Grabs Shark Tank story is outlined below. On her Safe Grabs website, she tells the story of how she came up with the idea for her product.
Cindi says that as a child, she kept burning her fingertips retrieving hot dishes from the microwave because she was too lazy to use a towel or mitt. This prompted her to invent “Safe Grabs®” (formerly Micro Easy Grab) and it became a business.
Cyndi Lee’s Shark Tank Experience
Cyndi: Hi sharks, my name is Cindy. I’m asking for seventy-five thousand dollars for ten percent of my company, but for today’s special, I’m willing to give 12 % just for you guys. So, have you ever burned your fingers trying to get a hot dish out of the microwave while fear no more because safe grabs will solve that problem and much more?
Let me show you how the simple silicone map will change your kitchen forever. You Simply put it on the turntable. Grab the bowl of soup. Microwave as usual, and when it’s done, beep, beep. Basically, grab it from the bottom without burning your fingers. And when you get to your destination, not only is it your trivet, but it’s also your place. Mat, is this brilliant or what? But wait, we all love our multipurpose product, so the safe graphs become your food cover jar opener, anyone? It’s such an easy twist. For the finale, a splatter guard to keep your microwave clean. So sharks who would like to invest in these silicones?
Barbara: I have a question, what is the retail price of this?
Cyndi: This for the 10-inch it’s $12.95 and then for the 12-inch it’s $14.95.
Kevin: Tell me about your margins. $10.95 for the 10-inch. What’s it cost you to make it?
Cyndi: About landing here the use of estimate is about two $2.75.
Barbara: What are your sales?
Cyndi: Ok, I’m Asian but numbers get me dizzy so hold on OK so. For the lifetime sales up to now is three hundred and ten thousand dollars.
Barbara: Over what period of time?
Cyndi: Three years, but the first year my manufacturer basically screwed up so I didn’t really do.
Barbara: What have you done in the last three months?
Cyndi: The year to date is one sixty five.
Robert: Good for.
Cyndi: My first manufacturer. They kind of screwed me over and I was down to 11$ in my bank account so I got this full-time job at a retail store and I would go into my car during lunchtime. And do my business calls. So that’s how I supported myself and it was such a hard journey because no one really believed me in the beginning and even my parents didn’t believe me. And for that reason, it’s so amazing just to be standing here in front of you guys, because I’ve watched your shows from the beginning of episode one.
Lori: They say entrepreneurs are the only ones willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40.
Mark: Cindy, let me simplify things for everybody. Look, you’re really a product, not a company. It’s not really a fit for me. I’m out.
Kevin O Leary and Barbara Corcoran Are Out

Barbara: I just don’t see the vision on this one, I’m out.
Kevin: Obviously, You’ve been successful because when you demonstrate it sells and I see why. And I think this product will do well as long as you can demonstrate it because I think you’re good at it. I’m out.
Robert: Cindy, I love the product. I think you’ve done a great job with it. Even more importantly, you did a great job presenting it today. Thank you. It’s just not a business that I see that I understand or enjoy, I’m out.
Barbara: I really like your product. I think it has a lot of merit. Great TV product. Obviously, every season I say it, I make millionaires. But to make you a millionaire fast get you out of your parents’ home. If you want to be.
Cyndi: I need a life.
Lori Greiner, Let’s Make A Deal

Lori: I’m going to need 30 percent, 75,000 thousand for 30 % because I know I’ll get you into bed, bath, and beyond. I know I’ll get you into Target. You’re going to need money to be able to fund all of that retail happening really fast.
Cyndi: Laurie, can we go with 17 %?
Lori: The lowest that I would go to is 25%.
Kevin: Are you going to take that Cindy 25 % for 75,000 thousand? Make a decision?
Lori: And become a millionaire.
Cyndi: All right, let’s make a deal.
Lori: Good.
Cyndi Lee’s Shark Tank Success
Cyndi: My success has been so lightning speed is just unbelievable. I made two point four million dollars in gross sales.
The day after Shark Tank, Laurie went on QVC as she sold out. She did about 300,000 thousand within less than 10 minutes. Let’s hurry up and get these things out. I knew I would get some orders after Shark Tank, but my God, it would not stop. The fulfillment was just crazy. It was my mom and I just wrapping fulfilling every single order. A hundred and twenty thousand units of the safe grab. No sleep.
This entrepreneur’s journey is very difficult. You better have tenacity and perseverance because it is a long road. But once you get there, it is amazing. Shark Tank really gives you hope. When you give hope, you don’t give up. Shark Tank has allowed me to live my life and get out of debt and be financially set.
Cyndi Lee’s Shark Tank Shark Video
Cyndi Lee Safe Grab Products
Cyndi’s story was a happy one, but such financial success stories don’t happen without hard work and learning from your mistakes. Congratulations to Cyndi Lee for preserving and making her dreams come true. If you’d like to check out more of her Safe Grab products you can find them here